
Transmission Flush Kit
A two part flush kit to clean your transmission and condition the new fluid for peak performance.
Cleaner is added to old fluid before flushing to remove sediment and “red jello” residue • provides a thorough cleaning before fluid exchange.
Conditioner lubricates valve body to prevent sticking • EP lubricant eliminates torque converter shudder • seal conditioner treats seals to correct internal seepage • extends fluid life.
Petro Part: #PTK042

Smart Blend Red Transmission Fluid Protectant
A fully synthetic trans conditioner designed for all transmissions to improve performance and extend transmission life.
Keeps transmission clean and extends trans fluid life • special friction modifiers eliminate torque converter shutter instantly • frees stuck valve bodies • drops fluid temperature by 20-30 degrees to extend transmission life.
Smart Blend Part: #4001

Smart Blend Titanium ATF Fluid Converter
Converts generic synthetic or conventional fluids to a highly friction modified fluid to meet the various OE performance requirements.
Synthetic riction modifiers compensate for various factory blends to perform like OE fluids • keeps transmission clean and extends trans fluid life • special friction modifiers eliminate torque converter shutter instantly • frees stuck valve bodies • drops fluid temperature by 20-30 degrees to extend transmission life.
Smart Blend Part: #6900

Transmission Cooler Flush
Safely flushes transmission coolers during rebuild or to correct fluid contamination.
High pressure OE formulation cleans quickly and efficiently • can backflush and forward flush trans cooler and lines • safe for all components.
Smart Blend Part: #2001

Smart Blend Shudder Eliminator
Stops torque converter shudder instantly.
One tube treats 12 quarts of fluid • synthetic friction modifier blends instantly to troubleshoot if shudder is due to a fluid problem or another issue.
Smart Blend Part: #3500

Smart Blend Limited Slip Supplement
Semi synthetic additive for limited slip differentials.
Eliminates chatter in clutch packs – blends quickly with all gear lubes • improves gear oil performance in conventional differentials and manual transmissions where gear lube is specified
Smart Blend Part: #3800